The spread of trade under islam through trans-saharan

The spread of trade under islam through trans-saharan

By: andr3w Date of post: 03.07.2017
the spread of trade under islam through trans-saharan

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Africa, Emerging Civilizations In Sub-Sahara Africa

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Africa and the Spread of Islam - Emazine

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Neither you, nor the coeditors you shared it with will be able to recover it again. Comments 0 Please log in to add your comment. Transcript of Trans-Saharan Trade Trans-Saharan Trade By: It spread wealth, religion, and new ideas to many cultures.

Did the Trans-Saharan Trade Spread Islam? | Our Everyday Life

Gold and salt were the most frequently traded goods. Domestication of camels allowed for easier and better trade.

Religion Arab merchants introduced Islam, the Koran and the written Arabic language to West Africa. More presentations by Moc Jam The Effects of Priming on Test Taking. The Road of Gender Roles Throughout the Set privacy level Privacy level.

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